Discover, join and start a new kind of group chats with people relevant to you. Whatever you want to discuss, create a post about it and it becomes a dedicated group chat for the interested to discover and join. Your friends, your colleagues, your club members or your communities, whatever the crowd, Klido is the place for your most exciting chats.
Say goodbye to messaging apps where two, four, or a gazillion conversations are trying to roll at the same time in the same chat. Use Klido to have truly relevant and engaging discussions that won’t disturb others.
• Start a group chat with a post: write a few words, create a soul-searching poll, add some awesome pictures or videos, or slap on a couple of mind-blowing links.
• Start your group chat in the best crowd – in your personal space with friends, or in Circles. A Circle is a dedicated discussion space for your hobby, your group, your project, or your team. Public or private, big or small, Circles are your oyster.
• Browse through all posts that are open to you and join as many as you like. All posts you have joined or created are shown in one place, so you can easily get back to the conversations, update or follow things you care, or search the chat history.
Actually, just get the app. Your best convos deserve it. Welcome to your new world, we have been expecting you.